Atlanta Weather - December

The weather in Atlanta in December is highly variable, and typically not so warm as the coastal parts of the state. Despite this variability, it is seldom very cold, and visitors from the northeast (and other colder climates) often find Atlanta’s weather very clement at this time of the year!

When is the best time of year to visit Atlanta?
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The average daily high temperature in Atlanta in December is 52°F (11°C), although the sun often makes it feel warmer. Highs in the 70s are possible. Atlanta is often sunny in December (although rain and cloud are also frequent occurrences), and the weather can be ideal for outdoor sightseeing or hiking outside the city on such sunny days.

Seasonality is not too strong a concern when planning a visit to Atlanta due to the wide range of indoor attractions and activities, should the weather be cold or wet: history museums, art museums, historic houses, the huge Georgia Aquarium and holiday shopping are among the many things to do in Atlanta on one of December’s less favourable days.

See also:
December events in Atlanta
Concerts in Atlanta
Things to do in Atlanta
Black heritage sites in Atlanta

Temperature & Humidity In Atlanta In December

The average daily high temperature in Atlanta in December is 52°F (11°C). The average daily low is 37°F (3°C).

This average disguises quite a wide range of variability, however. In a typical December, at least half, and often two thirds or more days during the month will have a high temperature that exceeds 55°F (13°), and anywhere from a handful of days to almost half the month will see highs exceed 70°F (21°C).

In the warmest Decembers, very few days may have a high below the mid 50s. Lows are also variable, although bear in mind that frosts are always possible, even common, during this month.

In December, warmer temperatures are not necessarily associated with sun. The cooler days are often sunny, and even if the temperature in the shade is low, it can feel much warmer when in the sun.

Despite the colder days this month, a light jacket is often all that is required to enjoy Atlanta’s outdoor sights, including popular seasonal and evening events such as holiday lights displays and holiday markets.

Average relative humidity in Atlanta in December is 68%, but due to the lower temperatures at this time of the year the weather rarely feels humid.

December Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Atlanta

Sunshine in Atlanta in December averages 6 hours per day (average day length in December is 9.9 hours). Rain averages 4.4 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 11 days.

Atlanta weather in December is generally very changeable, although it can often still be sunny. Completely clear weather is common, and usually occurs on a third (or slightly more than a third) of days this month. Completely overcast days are likely too, again occurring, on average, on around a third of days. The remainder of December days bring a mix of sun and cloudy or rainy weather.

At this time of year, the weather on one day is no indication of what it will be on the next day. It can go from sunny and warm to rainy and cold, and then back again, although it is certainly possible to enjoy several-day-long runs of sunny weather (or endure several days of cloud and rain!). Fog is common in Atlanta in December, and snow and ice are possible.

The average UV index in December is 3.

Sunrise & Sunset Times In Atlanta In December


In December, the sun rises at around 7:25am at the beginning of the month and at 7:40am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 6:55am at the start of the month, and by 7:15am at the end.


The sun sets at around 5:30pm at the start of the month, and at around 5:40pm by its end. It should be dark by around 5:55pm at the beginning of the month, and by 6:05pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in December averages around 9 hours 55 minutes per day, plus an additional 25-30 minutes of low light at the beginning and end of the day.