Atlanta Weather - October

The weather in Atlanta in October is generally excellent, and this is one of the best times of the year to visit the city. Sunny weather is common, with typical daily highs in the 70s. Rain is still possible, but this is a drier than average month.

→ Weather in Atlanta in: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, December

Don’t expect much in the way of fall colour until the very end of the month, but this is still a perfect time of year to visit Atlanta’s parks, cemeteries and other outdoor sights, or for hiking, biking, golf and other such activities.

Fall festivals, Halloween events and other festivals and family activities are common throughout the month, with many of the city’s (and state’s) biggest events favoring an October date due to the higher likelihood of ideal weather.

Atlanta’s inland location usually protects it from coastal hurricanes during the June to November hurricane season, but heavy rain, high winds and tropical storm conditions are possible throughout this period.

See also:
October events in Atlanta
Concerts in Atlanta
Things to do in Atlanta
Black heritage sites in Atlanta

Temperature & Humidity In Atlanta In October

The average daily high temperature in Atlanta in October is 72°F (22°C). The average daily low is 54°F (12°C).

You can expect a daily high temperature in the 70s on between one third to two thirds of days during the month of October, and a high above 80°F (27°C) on anywhere between a few days to half of days this month, depending on whether it is a warmer or cooler than average October. In the hottest years, the temperature can approach 100°F (38°C) at the beginning of the month.

Day to day variability in temperature is beginning to increase by October. It is also possible to experience significant changes in temperature over the course of a single day as different weather systems move in.

Average relative humidity in Atlanta in October is 69%, although the cooler temperatures make the weather feel much more comfortable than in the summer months.

October Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Atlanta

Sunshine in Atlanta in October averages 8 hours per day (average day length in October is 11.3 hours). Rain averages 2.4 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 7 days.

October in Atlanta is sunny or mostly sunny on most days this month, with rain being less frequent than at other times of the year.

In a typical October, you can expect at least half of days (and sometimes many more) to be sunny and clear all day. Primarily cloudy days are rare, occurring on a few days during an average October and in the best years on only one day, perhaps two.

The remaining days this month bring a mix of sunny and cloudy weather. Some such days may be predominantly sunny with only brief periods of cloud or rain, although they may often begin cloudy and not clear until mid to late afternoon.

The average UV index in October is 6.

Sunrise & Sunset Times In Atlanta In October


In October, the sun rises at around 7:30am at the beginning of the month and at 7:55am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 7:10am at the start of the month, and by 7:30am at the end.


The sun sets at around 7:20pm at the start of the month, and at around 6:45pm by its end. It should be dark by around 7:45pm at the beginning of the month, and by 7:10pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in October averages around 11 hours 20 minutes per day, plus an additional 25 minutes of low light at the beginning and end of the day.

October Hurricane Risk In Atlanta

Although hurricanes can impact coastal regions of Georgia throughout the hurricane season of June through November (with the majority of stronger storms falling in the later part of the season), Atlanta is usually too far inland to be affected severely.

You can expect to see heavy rain and strong winds in Atlanta and its vicinity when a hurricane is forecast for the coast, but extremely dangerous weather is unlikely. Localised flooding and power outages, some property damage and flight disruptions are possible.