Atlanta Weather - May

The weather in Atlanta in May is usually very warm, with abundant sunshine and less rain than at other times of the year.

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The average daily high temperature in May is 79°F (26°C), which is perfect for enjoying Atlanta’s outdoor attractions: parks, historic cemeteries, the Atlanta Botanical Garden or Zoo Atlanta, or one of the city’s many outdoor festivals.

Especially toward the end of the month, however, the heat, humidy and afternoon rain/thunderstorms of summer are becoming more of a factor, and on some days it may be best to plan more strenuous activities and outdoor sightseeing for the cooler parts of the day.

Atlanta also offers many air-conditioned attractions and things to do should the temperatures rise too high, with museums and historic houses, shopping malls, and an enormous aquarium, among other indoor sights.

Generally speaking, you should pack for warm weather: short sleeves, hats and sunscreen, plus an extra layer for any cooler days and evenings (or overzealous air conditioning). Due to Atlanta’s subtropical climate, an umbrella is often a good idea too.

See also:
May events in Atlanta
Concerts in Atlanta
Things to do in Atlanta
Black heritage sites in Atlanta
Atlanta parks

Temperature & Humidity In Atlanta In May

The average daily high temperature in Atlanta in May is 79°F (26°C). The average daily low is 60°F (16°C).

By May, day to day weather is becoming more constant. Most days during the month typically see highs in the upper 70s or 80s, although it is possible for the temperature to rise into the 90s, with some occasional cooler days too.

Humidity in Atlanta is beginning to rise in May, though it is usually not yet quite as oppressively humid as during the summer months. The average relative humidity in May is 67%.

May Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Atlanta

Sunshine in Atlanta in May averages 10 hours per day (average day length in May is 13.9 hours). Rain averages 3.2 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 9 days.

May in Atlanta is typically a sunny month. You can expect to enjoy completely clear, sunny weather on a third to a half of days in the average May.

Most of the rest of days during the month are also significantly sunny, but with periods of cloudiness and occasional rain. Rain is usually more common in the afternoon and evening, although morning rain showers are also possible. Whole days of overcast weather are rare in Atlanta in May.

The average UV index in May is 9.

Sunrise & Sunset Times In Atlanta In May


In May, the sun rises at around 6:50am at the beginning of the month and at 6:30am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 6:20am at the start of the month, and by 6am at the end.


The sun sets at around 8:20pm at the start of the month, and at around 8:40pm by its end. It gets dark by around 8:50pm at the beginning of the month, and by 9:10pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in May averages around 13 hours 55 minutes per day, plus an additional 25-30 minutes of low light at the beginning and end of the day.