The weather in Atlanta in August, like all the summer months, is hot and humid, with an average daily high of 86°F (30°C). Atlanta’s elevation does bring some degree of night-time respite, however, with a typical daily low of 69°F (21°C) during the month.
→ When is the best time of year to visit Atlanta?
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For the duration of August, it is best to plan outdoor activities for the cooler mornings, and visit one of Atlanta’s many air-conditioned indoor attractions during the hotter parts of the day. Remember to bring hats and sunscreen, and to stay hydrated.
Afternoon rain showers and thunderstorms are a possibility throughout the month, though these can be highly localised and typically do not last long.
Hurricanes forming during the June to November hurricane season do not usually reach Atlanta, due to its position inland. However, heavy rain, high winds and tropical storm conditions are possible throughout this period.
See also:
– August events in Atlanta
– Things to do in Atlanta
– Black heritage sites in Atlanta
– Concerts in Atlanta
– Atlanta parks
The average daily high temperature in Atlanta in August is 86°F (30°C). The average daily low is 69°F (21°C).
Daily high temperatures throughout the month of August in Atlanta show minimal variability. The high temperature falls between 85°F (30°C) and 95°F (35°C) nearly every day in the typical August, with only a few days seeing high temperatures either above or below this range.
August is Atlanta’s most humid month, with average relative humidity of 75%. Expect uncomfortable, and often oppressively humid, weather on most days this month.
Sunshine in Atlanta in August averages 10 hours per day (average day length in August is 13.4 hours). Rain averages 3.6 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 10 days.
August in Atlanta is typically a very sunny month. Although completely clear days are not as common as at other times of year, you can still expect an average of 5-10 totally clear days during a usual August, and sometimes more.
Completely overcast weather all day is rare during an Atlanta August. Most days bring a mix of long stretches of substantially sunny weather, with occasional periods of cloud or rain. These cloudy periods often come during the afternoons, which can frequently bring brief rain showers and thunderstorms throughout the summer months.
The average UV index in August is 10. Seek shade whenever possible, and wear a hat. High factor sunscreen is a must for all.
In August, the sun rises at around 6:50am at the beginning of the month and at 7:10am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 6:25am at the start of the month, and by 6:45am at the end.
The sun sets at around 8:35pm at the start of the month, and at around 8:05pm by its end. It should be dark by around 9:05pm at the beginning of the month, and by 8:30pm at its end.
The amount of full daylight in August averages around 13 hours 25 minutes per day, plus an additional 25-30 minutes of low light at the beginning and end of the day.
Although hurricanes can impact coastal regions of Georgia throughout the hurricane season of June through November (with the majority of stronger storms falling in the later part of the season), Atlanta is usually too far inland to be affected severely.
You can expect to see heavy rain and strong winds in Atlanta and its vicinity when a hurricane is forecast for the coast, but extremely dangerous weather is unlikely. Localised flooding and power outages, some property damage and flight disruptions are possible.